CSCIS ‧ 洞察信息安全战略的全球性组织

成都‧世界信息安全大会迎来了一个全球性的多边组织成为大会的支持单位,这是目前全球少数几个专注于信息安全、网络安全的跨国界组织。大家都知道,信息安全领域的问题是很敏感的,要能站在超越国家的界线来解决全球性的信息安全问题,要面对多少的困难?这之中需要打通多少的壁垒?而成都‧世界信息安全大会的支持单位「战略网络空间与国际研究中心」(简称CSCIS)就是这样一个立足全球的机构。除此之外,我们还请到了CSCIS的董事兼亚太区执行副总裁Aloysius Cheang加入我们的海外专家顾问团,金秋十月于成都‧世界信息安全大会也会有来自CSCIS的神秘嘉宾作为大会的讲师。




此外,CSCIS的董事兼亚太区执行副总裁Aloysius Cheang也加入了 成都‧世界信息安全大会的海外专家顾问团,以Aloysius在国际组织的任职经验,一定能带给大会许多超越国家界线的独到建议,让我们来看看Aloysius的简单个人介绍:



Established in the United Kingdom as the Centre for Strategic Cyberspace + Security Science (CSCSS), CSCSS is a bipartisan, multilateral, international organization. It seeks to advance global cyberspace security and prosperity by providing strategic insights for cyberspace and policy solutions to decision makers. Founded in 2010, CSCSS is one of the world’s only – preeminent international institutions focused purely on cyberspace, cyber defence, security studies + science, and transnational cyber challenges ranging from critical infrastructure, to the impact of cyber on global development and economic integration.

However since our founding, Cyberspace is increasingly becoming geopolitical in nature, with shifting power dynamics between key states creating new challenges for cybersecurity. At the same time, within states, the convergence of new technologies through the development of smart cities means an international approach reflecting best cybersecurity practice is more essential than ever before. In order to better reflect the international approach our group brings to cybersecurity, the Board has voted unanimously to rebrand the organisation as The Centre for Strategic Cyberspace + International Studies or CSCIS for short effective from January 2019 onwards. We believe that the change in name better reflects this focus, and will assist in increasing public understanding of the value our organisation brings to the table in advancing global cyberspace security.

The CSCIS represents what is best about cyber-centric leadership, and is capable of bringing together diverse, converging viewpoints, and leadership for cyberspace. CSCIS focus on cyberspace provides advancement cyber international policy focused on defence and security; regional and transnational cyber challenges ranging from critical infrastructures, technology, cybercrime, terrorism, and research to national security, development and economic integration. Since its inception the CSCIS has worked to develop practical solutions for today’s cyberspace challenges.